Birds of Buchenwald. Part of the Early Bird broadcast, this piece was recorded on the grounds of the former concentration camp Buchenwald.

Last Part of the Open Mic Night of SAVVY Funk for documenta 14. A Cross talk format including Tina Klatte, Natalie Mba Bikoro, Jasmina Al-Quaisi, Tito Valery, Anna Raimondo, Nastio Mosqito, Leo Asemota, Carla de Utra Mendes, Chang Hsin-Hsien, Marlon Van Rooyen, Jan Glöckner and Others. Also with musicpieces by Jan Glöckner. For hearing Mr Glöckner beeing introduced by Mr Mosqito skip to minute 40.

Last Part of the Open Mic Night of SAVVY Funk for documenta 14. An experimental electroacoustic jam including Martin Hirsch, Benjamin Serdani, Maria Karpushina, Gustavo A. Méndez López, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and Jan Glöckner

Morningshow with Tito Valery. Guest today: Mr Glöckner.

Collaboration with Leo Asemota in his show Intermission Transmission Temporal.